Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Soft or Stiff?

After work, nothing feels better than grabbing your clubs, putting on a fresh collared shirt and heading to the golf course. Come early spring and fall it gets dark early the sun is the only thing standing in the way between nine and eighteen holes. Especially around the slow times of the season, warming up becomes a great debate around this time. Walking on cold to the tee can have it's advantages and disadvantages. If you do have time, a quick stretch could assist in not pulling any muscles. Even a few more practice swings can loosen up the main muscles needed to swing the club. If time is of the essence , tee up and swing away. Knowing how to change your swing without a warm up can really help in some situations where time is scarce . We all know we can't make it to every tee time half an hour before to really loosen up. Doing this may help for the odd occasion that as your pulling in the parking lot, your group is ready to go to their first drives. Green speeds can be another factor of your game if you decide to skip warm up. The fall and spring speeds tend to be slower, but if the superintendent is really good, the speeds can be more slippery than you think. If your a good ball striker and stretching isn't a necessity, a few putts on the putting green could help save a few strokes on the card. No matter how much time you have or don't have, consider prior to teeing off warming up is in your schedule. Photo: http://selectgroupre.wordpress.com/2013/07/25/pace-of-play-not-an-issue-in-speed-golf/

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