Thursday 10 October 2013

What Great Golfers Think Part 1

Golf is a great game, but sometimes it can get frustrating and really get into out heads. I know I have had times where my game isn't going so well and even after one bad hole I can go downhill from there.  Over the years I have really been adamant about my posture, weight transfer, keeping my head still, my take away and other thing about my golf swing. I had never thought once about my overall game, and mostly my mental game. I picked up a book call What Great Golfers think by Bob Skura. I have only read a few pages so far but have taken in a lot and have been able to relate it to myself. I highly suggest reading this book as it takes life tips and puts them in a golf sense. The key points in this book for bolded for easy understand and literary flow.For this blog I want to share what I've read so far and how already I've been able to relate it to myself and what I wish to accomplish after reading this section.

The book is following a group of four different aged men from 17-59 that play every Saturday morning and decide to go to their golf pro for mental help. Their pro directs them to a gentleman by the name of Doc, who does a mental session with these men every other Sunday night. The time in between each session allows for the men to work on what Doc has taught them from the session before. With the wide range of age, this book pin points certain ages that allows this book to be easy to relate. 

Of of the first relations to this book is when Doc relates to the start of the mental game to the start of a swing. he says "The more solidly you build your starting point, the fewer corrections you'll have to make later on" (29). He's talking about how you approach your golf game every time you go play and building your mental game. In both the mental and relation to golf, I have learned much from this quote. I have walked onto a tee with a bad mentality and have started off bad. Getting my mind to correct into the good things is hard when I've already started off down. I also think back on how I approached the ball. I always thought of where I wanted to put the ball but I never actually looked if I was starting off good. I have to check my point of direction, my stance, my grip, my clubface and everything before I even start the swing. 

Ill keep reading and keep updating about this book. A for sure read though. 

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